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The Magic of Public Speaking

Public speaking might be a scaring prospect to many, and a thrill to a few. Stage fright is a real thing... as real as the solutions! It can be overcome! Practice of course makes perfect, but here are a few tips that will give you a push in the right direction just a tiny bit faster:

1. Prepare. Speaking off the cuff is an art to be mastered by semi-gods. For the rest of us mortals, having a plan, knowing what to say, when and where is key to produce an intelligible, acceptable and even crisp and rapturing speech.

2. Prepare. Can't stress that enough! If you have the time, TED curator Chris Anderson

offers brilliant tips. Of course, presenting in a foreign language adds complexity to the task. If you need a bit of prodding, we're here to help!

3. Take care of logistics. Make sure you get to where you need to be on time, make sure the slides run smoothly, your voice isn't raspy,

you feel comfortable in your clothes that day, your phone is off and you stay laser focused on the task.

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